25 Ιανουαρίου 2023
Με δηλώσεις του στο NachDenkSeiten, ο πρώην υπουργός της κυβέρνησης Σρέντερ του SPD και πρώην επικεφαλής της «Die Linke», Oskar Lafontaine, προειδοποιεί για τις παραδόσεις των αρμάτων μάχης Leopard 2 στην Ουκρανία πως ο πραγματικός στόχος των Αμερικανών είναι να συρθεί η Γερμανία στον πόλεμο με την Ρωσία.
Τονίζει μάλιστα πως όλα αυτά γίνονται για τα συμφέροντα των Αμερικανών οι οποίοι θέλουν να μετατρέψουν την Ουκρανία στο «φυλάκιό» τους στην Ευρώπη.
Ο Λαφονταίν γράφει: “Οι Αμερικανοί θέλουν να ακινητοποιήσουν την Γερμανία και απαιτούν την παράδοση των κύριων αρμάτων μάχης Leopard. Οι Βρετανοί παραδίδουν μερικά άρματα μάχης Challenger 2 για να ασκήσουν πίεση στην Γερμανία. Οι Πολωνοί λένε ότι θέλουν να παραδώσουν τα άρματα μάχης Leopard ακόμα και αν η Γερμανία δεν χορηγούσε την έγκριση.”
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Russia Warns of Escalation As Germany Greenlights Leopard Tanks for Ukraine
25 Ιανουαρίου 2023
Russian officials warned of a possible escalation in its war on Ukraine as Germany agreed to supply Leopard tanks to Ukraine following weeks of pressure from Kyiv and its allies.
“This extremely dangerous decision takes the conflict to a new level of confrontation,” Russia’s Ambassador to Germany Sergei Nechayev said in a statement Wednesday.
Nechayev claimed that the transfer will inevitably lead to “the death of not only Russian soldiers, but also the civilian population.”
“Once again, we are convinced that Germany, like its closest allies, is not interested in a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis,” Nechayev said, adding that by supplying heavier weapons to Ukraine, Berlin “destroys the remnants of mutual trust and causes irreparable damage to the already deplorable state of Russian-German relations.”
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What does it mean to be on the right side of history?
24 Ιανουαρίου 2023
In his government statement to the German Bundestag on 27 February 2022, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said: “In Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa and Mariupol, people are not only defending their homeland. They are fighting for freedom and their democracy, for values that we share with them. As democrats, as Europeans, we stand by their side, on the right side of history.”
So whoever stands on the side of the Ukrainians is on the right side of history. But who stands for Ukraine, and what do Ukrainians want? For sure, the vast majority wants the killing and destruction of their homeland to end immediately through a ceasefire and peace negotiations. When journalists and politicians claim otherwise and talk, for example, about Ukrainians willingly sacrificing their lives for freedom and democracy, this is nothing more than the clumsy war propaganda of those who do not risk their own lives and send others to the battlefields from their desks. Needless to say, the Russian soldiers also want nothing more than an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations. Why is it always so difficult for warmongers all over the world to imagine how the families feel whose fathers and sons have to die on the battlefields?
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Lafontaine: Americans out of Europe, Dismantle NATO !
4 Δεκεμβρίου 2022
Germany has found itself reaping the consequences of the crisis in Ukraine, facing skyrocketing energy and food costs, recession and the danger of permanent deindustrialization as Washington and Brussels continue to call for more and more sanctions against Russian energy to try to “punish” Moscow for its military operation in Ukraine.
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Oscar LaFontaine: “Germany is Acting as an American vassal in the Ukraine War”
30 Αυγούστου 2022
For the vast majority of German politicians and journalists, the war in Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. From this point of view, which ignores the entire history of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, Germany cannot make any contribution to peace.
The sentence is attributed to the poet Aeschylus: In battle, truth is the first casualty. This leads to the conclusion that in order to find peace one must return to the truth, better: to the truth. And that means every war has its own history. And the prehistory of the Ukraine War begins with the United States’ self-image as a chosen nation, claiming to be and remain the sole world power.
Therefore, America must do everything possible to prevent the emergence of another world power. This applies not only to China and Russia, but also to the European Union or, in the future, perhaps India or other countries. If you accept that claim, and at the same time know that the US has by far the greatest military equipment in the world, you may come to the conclusion that taking refuge under the wing of this single world power is the most it’s a good thing.
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