Τι σκέφτεται πραγματικά ο κόσμος για την Ουκρανία. Μια διεθνής συζήτηση

Bandung Spirit Conversation Series dedicated to BANDUNG-BELGRADE-HAVANA GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS in the framework of:

The 66th Anniversary of the Bandung Asian-African Conference;
The 60th Anniversary of the Belgrade Non-Aligned Movement Conference;
The 55th Anniversary of the Havana Tricontinental Conference.

March 18, 2022 at 14:00 PM French Time Zone (13:00 PM GMT).
RUSSIA-UKRAINE: WHAT PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE? A conversation with friends of Russia and Ukraine

ORDER OF SPEAKERS (based on the geographical proximity with Ukraine):
1) Gracjan Cimek, Poland (Professor, Doctor, Political Science, InternationalRelations, Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia);
2) Dragana Mitrovic, Serbia (Professor, Doctor, Political Economy, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade);
3) Hans Köchler, Austria (Emeritus Professor, Doctor, Philosophy, University ofInnsbruck, President of International Progress Organisation, Vienna);
4) Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, Greece (Journalist and writer, editor of Defend Democracy Press, former correspondent in Moscow, former advisor of the Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou on East-West Relations and Arms Control, Athens);
5) Bruno Drweski, France (Professor, Doctor, History, Political Sciences, Eastern European Studies, National Institute of Languages and Civilisations, Paris);
6) Yin Zhiguang, China (Professor, Doctor, International Relations, School of Public Affairs and International Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai);
7) Manoranjan Mohanty, India (Emeritus Professor, Doctor, Political Sciences, Chinese Studies, Council for Social Development, New Delhi);
8) Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, Indonesia (Doctor, Defense and Security Studies, Senior Defense and Military Analyst, Universitas Jendral Ahmad Yani, Jakarta);
9) Devon Dublin, Guyana (Veterinary Doctor and Zootechnician, Master’s Degree in Marine Life Sciences, PhD in Environmental Science Development, the Governance Coordinator for WWF-Guianas, WWF-Guianas).

1) Darwis Khudori, Indonesia/France (Professor, Doctor, Architecture, History, Oriental/Asian/Islamic Studies, University Le Havre Normandy, Initiator and Coordinator of Bandung Spirit Network of Scholars and Activists of Social and Solidarity Movements);
2) Beatriz Bissio, Brazil/Uruguay (Professor, Doctor, History, Political Sciences,International Relations, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Former Journalist covering Middle East).

1) Song “Halo Halo Bandung” by North Korean Army Choir:
2) Song “Halo Halo Bandung” by North Korean Children Choir:
3) Song “Halo Halo Bandung” by Indonesian Symphony Orchestra:

For more information: https://bandungspirit.org/

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