by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Not since the Cuban crisis of 1962 has humanity come so close to the possibility of a World War as today, in conditions that bear quite a few analogies to what was happening on the eve of World War I and II. According to The Washington Post, things are even worse. We are at the most dangerous point in history since World War II.
In writing it the newspaper inadvertlently betrays Western adventurism. Because today humanity does not have even the ” luxury ” of a World War to solve its problems, a “luxury ” it had until 1945. But if The Washington Post were to write this, it would risk shifting the debate from the alleged Russian invasion of the Ukraine to the possibility of destroying the planet. And this is the last thing a newspaper which has become the flagship of the Western “War Party” wants to do.
Of course one hopes that a peaceful way out of the Ukrainian crisis will be found even at the last hour, and we cannot rule it out, but at the moment we are writing about what we are witnessing empirically, namely the constant accumulation of explosive materials in the Ukrainian crisis, which is bringing us to a point where neither side will be able to retreat without being considered defeated. (This article was written before Russian announcements of a withdrawl from Belarus). But there is also a deeper and more general reason, a creeping logic jostling with war: If the West does not a clash with Russia, China and Iran, how it will be able to maintain its world domination?
The answer of the hawks to this question is war and chaos. The most extremist among them would also push for a complete delinking of China and from Russia. On the other hand, both Biden and the Europeans do not seem to have the strength, the system and the disposition to clash in a decisive and systematic way with a party of war that does not have the slightest desire to recognise that we are no longer in 1989-91, that is to understand that America and the West as a whole cannot dominate the world and act accordingly. They behave like the Bourbons, who have learned nothing and forgotten nothing. The party of war is overrepresented even in Biden’s administration, while its opponents do not know how to counter it without overthrowing all the anti-Russian and anti-Chinese ideology accepted as granted by all the western establishment for so many years.
Biden fears that if he looks “soft” with Russia he will lose the election. However, if he goes too “hard” he will blow to smithereens all his own attempted reforms, which are now faltering in important sectors (ecology and economy), having come too late and too timidly to face the enormous power of world financial capital and of the US military-industrial complex.
Germany and France can stop the Americans, and in doing it they could lay the foundations of an independent continet, vector of progress worlwide, but it doesn’t seem likely they will. They don’t want the war, but they don’t want also any serious break with the US. They are thus in danger of seeing Washington ignoring them, and organising a provocation as Nuland did back in 2014. She waited for the three European foreign ministers who had made an agreement on a peaceful resolution of the crisis to leave Kiev and, as soon as they left, the machine guns spoke.
Those who remember history can also find analogies between the current situation and how the operation in the Bay of Pigs took place, without Kennedy having decided to launch it, or with the “incident” in the Gulf of Tonking, when an alleged attack by the North Vietnamese against American ships, which never took place in reality, led to the bombing of North Vietnam.
The “Russian invasion”
For some time now, the Western media have been accusing Russia every day of preparing to invade the Ukraine. But they do not cite the slightest evidence to substantiate this accusation, other than statements by unnamed US intelligence officials. The only representative of these agencies to speak by name was the CIA chief William Burns himself, who said, some time ago, that his agencies have not reached a conclusion that Putin intends to invade Ukraine and has since been silent! How can we take seriously all this rhetoric about the iminent Russian invasion from a power which has assured us of the existence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of this country or of the alleged chemical attacks by Assad, which never took place?
Also, if Russian military drills inside Russia are a provocation, what are the gigantic grills of more than 30 nations around Russia last summer, the biggest in NATO’s history?
Western media report rarely and dismissively the Russian denials and almost never explain why Moscow would make such an invasion, except for some antics such as the” argument ” of American media that Putin cannot tolerate democratic states in his neighbourhood (the democratic state Putin cannot tolerate is supposed to be the Ukraine, a state very friendly to armed neo-Nazis). The media mention the gatherings and exercises of Russian and Belorusian troops inside Russia and Belarus, but never the gatherings of even stronger Ukrainian forces outside Donbas, the purely Russian regions of the Ukraine. The armed forces which seem to have integrated all the low-life of Ukrainian society, including the neo-Nazi mercenaries of the Azov militia (responsible, according to some reports, for the murder of two Greeks in Mariupol yesterday).
The Americans say that a Russian invasion of the Ukraine is imminent, but they did not inform the president of the Ukraine himself on what they are basing this assessment, as a result of which Zelensky has been asking the US every day to stop a war hysteria which is ruining his country financially. Until yesterday, when he came out speaking about an imminent Russian invasion, we suppose under US pressure. As demonstrated by the statements of the Ukrainian ambassador in London and former Deputy Foreign Minister, even if they subsequently forced him to revoke them, Kiev would be ready to give up its pursuit of becoming a member of NATO – but of course the US and NATO do not want to permit the Ukrainians such a choice. The question here is not the right of the Ukraine to adhere to NATO, but rather the right of NATO to oocupy the Ukraine.
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