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US says in talks with NATO allies to provide Turkey military aid

March 10, 2020

PARIS, March 10 (Reuters) – The U.S. is discussing with its NATO allies what they can offer Turkey in terms of military assistance in Idlib and discussing measures that may be taken if Russia and the Syrian government breaks a ceasefire, officials said on Tuesday.

“We are looking at what NATO can do,” James Jeffrey, the U.S.’ special envoy for Syria, told reporters in a conference call from Brussels where he was holding talks with allies. “Everything is on table.”

Jeffrey, who was speaking alongside the U.S. ambassador to Turkey David Satterfield, ruled out the use of ground troops should the ceasefire be broken and repeated that Ankara needed to clarify its stance on purchase of the Russian S400 Air Defence System. (Reporting by John Irish Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)

Published at https://news.yahoo.com/us-says-talks-nato-allies-130405640.html?guccounter=1